
PAGE in Indonesia
Indonesia has experienced stable economic growth over the past decade, transforming the country into one of the largest economies in Asia, however, further action is still needed to address poverty, inequality, unemployment and environmental degradation. In 2017, the government launched the Low Carbon Development Initiative (LCDI) – a non-siloed approach to achieve low-carbon development, sustainable natural resource management and poverty alleviation while maintaining economic growth.
Aligned with the LCDI, Indonesia joined PAGE in 2018 to transform its economy into a driver of sustainability and social inclusion — addressing development and environmental challenges at the national and sub-national level. With the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) as the key implementing partner, PAGE is supporting the implementation of the LCDI policy in priority sectors with a focus on the energy, waste management and circular economy, and green industry in line with the National Medium-term Development Plan 2020-2024.
In addition to facilitating the implementation of these national policies, in 2021 PAGE provided technical inputs for Indonesia’s Green Recovery Roadmap, developed to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 and is conducting targeted green economy recovery activities on food loss and waste policy reform.
Greening the Economic Recovery
Indonesia identified circular economy as a key area to promote the country’s efforts green recovery through its ‘Build Back Better with Low Carbon Development […]
Embedding Circular Economy into the ‘Building Back Better with Low Carbon Development Initiative’
Indonesia identified circular economy as a key area to promote the country’s efforts green recovery through its ‘Build Back Better with Low Carbon Development (B3-Low Carbon)’ initiative.
PAGE supports:
- Assessment of the potential of circular economy to contribute to a green and inclusive economic recovery, including aspects of job creation, skills development and resource efficiency;
- Identification of fiscal and non-fiscal stimulus plans and policies that will best foster private investment in circular economy;
- A national policy and plan for promoting circular economy, which will inform the next National Medium-term Development Plan 2025-2029;
- An awareness-raising campaign on a green recovery and the circular economy for the general public; and
- A targeted capacity-building programme for government officials on planning and budgeting for a green and inclusive recovery.
2021 Highlights
Food Loss and Waste Policy Scoping in West Java Province
PAGE Indonesia completed a Policy Scoping Assessment in West Java Province on Food Loss and Waste (FLW) to inform regional […]
Supporting Green Finance in West Java Province
To support the development of green finance in the West Java Province, PAGE completed an assessment of the enabling environment, […]
Roll-out of the Low Carbon Development Initiative at sub-national level
PAGE Indonesia supported the implementation of low carbon development policy at the subnational level in West Java […]
Skills Development for Greening the Recovery
The webinar “Learning and Skills Development for Green Recovery: Building Back Better with Low Carbon Development in […]
Launch of IGE Modelling Course in Indonesia
PAGE worked with the University of Indonesia (UI), the Indonesia Expert Network on Climate Change and Forestry and Environment Institute […]
Sustainable Development
PAGE work in Indonesia is currently aligned to the following SDGs: SDG 7 (Affordable & Clean Energy); SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth); SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production); SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals).