- PAGE High-Level Political Forum Side Event: Green Recoveries for a Job-Rich Future, 9 July 2021
- Eighth Green Latin America Awards, 23 August 2021
- PAGE Side-event at HLPF and Launch of 2030 Strategy, 13 July 2020
- Seventh Green Latin America Awards, Ecuador, 18-22 August 2020
- Side event at the Third Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities: “Making the Money Flow: Policy Levers and Financing Vehicles for Circular and Green Economies”, Singapore, 25 January 2019
- Side event at UNEA4 “Global Partnerships: Keys to Unlocking Resource Efficiency & Inclusive Green Economies”, Nairobi, 13 March 2019
- Good Growth Conference, Lima, 13-17 May 2019
- Side event at High-Level Political Forum “Fast, Fair and Green: Transformative Partnerships for Inclusive Green Economy”, New York, 16 July 2019
- Green Latin America Awards, Ecuador, 21-25 August 2019
- Side event at COP 25 “SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth: A just transition towards an inclusive green economy”, Madrid, 5 December 2019
- High-Level Media Debate in Cape Town, South Africa, 9 January 2019
- Third PAGE Ministerial Conference in Cape Town, South Africa, 10-11 January 2019
- Green industry policy trilogy launch “Green Industrial Policy for Transformative Change” in Geneva, Switzerland, 22 February
- Technical expert workshop on green industry indicators, May 2018
- Side event at HLPF, “Transforming our economies and lifestyles: Greener & fairer for future generations” in New York, U.S., 16 July
- Fifth Latin American Green Awards in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 16 August
- Second Global Forum on Green Economy Learning: “Green Economy: New Challenges, New Skills” in Paris, France, 26-27 November
- Side event at COP24 “SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth: A just transition towards an inclusive green economy” in Katowice, Poland, 12 December
- Second PAGE Conference in Berlin, Germany, 27-28 March
- GGKP and PAGE High-Level Media Debate in Berlin, Germany, 26 March
- EMG Nexus Dialogue Series, “SDG Nexuses in UN Agency Work and within the Country Context” in Geneva, Switzerland, 26 April
- Briefing for the Permanent Missions to the UN, “Inclusive and Sustainable Economies: Powering the Sustainable Development Goals” in Geneva, Switzerland, 4 May
- Social and Solidarity Economy Academy in Seoul, South Korea, 26-30 June
- Workshop on the Green Industry and Trade Methodology toolkit in Geneva, Switzerland, 28 August
- Green economy event and green industrial policy report preview in Berlin, Germany 11 September
- Side event at HLPF, “Recalibrating Market Forces” in New York, U.S., 17 July
- Side event at COP23, “How to build green and inclusive economies to implement the Paris Agreement?”in Bonn, Germany, 9 November
- Side event at COP23, “Green Industrial Policy: Concept, Policies, Country Experiences”, in Bonn, Germany, 8 November
- PAGE Press Event at the 3rd Meeting of the UN Environment Assembly, in Nairobi, Kenya, 5 December
- Book Launch, “Green Industrial Policy: Concept, Policies, Country Experiences” in Beijing, China, 9 December
- Media Roundtable on Partnerships for Sustainable Development held to celebrate the arrival of Kyrgyz Republic, Barbados and the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, to the PAGE community in Nairobi, Kenya, 26 May
- “PAGE and GGGI – building on strong in-country collaboration” at the Global Green Growth Week in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 5-9 September
- Workshop on the Integrated Green Economy Modelling (IGEM) tool in Geneva, Switzerland, 22 April
- Input by Mongolia representative on work and modus operandi of PAGE as an example of coordinated delivery of advisory services and technical assistance at the UNEP-hosted workshop on integrated delivery for SDGs and 2030 Agenda in Nairobi, Kenya
- A technical workshop, “Reviewing an Inclusive Green Economy’s Contribution to SDGs”, jointly organized by Korea Environment Institute (KEI) and UNEP in Songdo, Republic of Korea, 25-26 April
- Forum on Partnerships for Inclusive Green Economy: “Joining Up for Delivery on the 2030 Agenda” held as part of UNEA in Nairobi, Kenya, 25 May
- Side event at HLPF in New York, U.S., 7 July
- Side event at SDG Summit in New York, U.S., 25 September
- Side event at the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Sustainable Development in Addis Ababa
- First Green Economy learning Forum in Paris, France, 15-18 December
- First PAGE Conference in Dubai, 4-5 March
- Side event at the first UNEA marking the joining of UNDP in Nairobi, Kenya, 26 June
- Side event for launch of PAGE IGE policy guides and manuals at the Green Economy Coalition Conference in London, U.K., 1 September
- Side event at the Climate COP in Lima, Peru, 11 September
- PAGE launch event at UNEP Governing Council in Nairobi, Kenya, 19 February
- Side event at Environment Management Group
- Environmental Management Group Senior Officials meeting in New York, U.S., 19 September
- PAGE Partnership Forum at the Global South-South Development Expo in Nairobi, Kenya