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Partnership for Action on Green Economy
Produce vendor and shoppers at a market in Indonesia

The Partnership for Action on Green Economy – PAGE – has grown into a prominent alliance of 5 UN agencies, 8 funding partners, and countries that work together to transform economies into drivers of sustainability by supporting nations and regions in reframing economic policies and practices around sustainability.

Thanks to this integrated approach and support of a wide range of partners, PAGE is increasingly recognized as a model to deliver coordinated support of UN to countries for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets of the Paris Agreement.

The PAGE 2021 Annual Report highlights achievements from the ongoing work in 20 partner countries.

A United Front: PAGE worked across the United Nations System deepening its engagement with UN Resident Coordinator Offices, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the UN Development Coordinator Office, among others.

Leveraging Economic Expertise: Countries receive targeted economic expertise through a new Green Transformation Economic Advisory Mechanism (Green TEAM) developed by PAGE to strengthen economic policy advice to partner countries in their recovery planning.

Knowledge exchange across Countries: Policy makers and other partners benefitted from knowledge exchange on green policies and practices facilitated by PAGE through a series of peer learning exchanges and a two-week virtual  Global Green Academy, held in three languages, with 78 speakers for 120 participants from 29 countries.

Influencing National Policy Change: Partner countries firmed up policy reforms for a green and inclusive economic transformation with PAGE support – including Indonesia’s National Green Recovery Roadmap (2021-2024), Uruguay’s new National Waste Management Plan, Kyrgyz Republic’s Comprehensive Plan of Measures on Climate Change Education and Peru’s National Policy for Decent Jobs, among others.

PAGE brings together five United Nations agencies — the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to support countries in a green and inclusive economic transformation.

    PAGE works with partner countries to transform their economies in line with the SDGs, working across sectors and seeking to integrate policies and strategies that will enable them to achieve multiple targets through an Inclusive Green Economy approach.

    Sustainable Development Goals

    PAGE engages across the UN system, and through the UN Resident Coordinator network, to leverage collective expertise in economic thinking, offering deeper policy advice to partners and contributing to a strengthened global understanding of green economy principles.

    Uniting Expertise

    PAGE supports strategic interventions for an inclusive green recovery in its partner countries with active engagement across the UN system providing a level of support that extends beyond the regular work of the partnership.



    Green Recovery

    PAGE promotes dialogue and partnerships at the global level to catalyze greater and more widespread economic transformation. This arm of our work further informs decision-making and looks to build deeper political will for the Inclusive Green Economy movement.

    Global Action

    "Moments of great difficulty are also moments of great opportunity. To come together in solidarity. To unite behind solutions that can benefit all people. And to move forward — together — with hope in what our human family can accomplish."

    António Guterres
    António Guterres
    United Nations Secretary-General

    PAGE is currently supporting 20 countries to transform their economies through green economy policies and practices.

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